
Teeth Whitening

We can whiten your teeth during tooth movement using your Invisalign trays. If your orthodontic treatment involved using brackets we can whiten your teeth using your Vivera retainer trays. Contact Invisalign Austin today to learn of all the aesthetic options you have during orthodontic treatment. Free Consultation

Mouth Guards

Who needs a mouth guard? If you participate in action sports then you might want to consider a mouth guard. If your orthodontic treatment requires brackets and wires "DO NOT" use a boil & bite type of mouth guard. They will get stuck on your braces and pull the braces off your teeth when you go to remove the guard.

American Dental Association: "Athletic mouth guards provide protection, but vary in comfort and cost. The most effective mouth guard should be resilient, tear-resistant and comfortable. It should fit properly, be durable and easy to clean, and not restrict your speech or breathing." Generally, a mouth guard covers only the upper teeth, but in some cases your doctor will make a mouth guard for the lower teeth as well. Don't hesitate to contact our office if you have a question regarding selecting the proper mouth guard to protect your smile. Contact Us

3 Types of Mouth Guards

  • Preformed: These are ready to wear, and are not adjustable. Because of their bulk and poor fit, they provide little or no protection and therefore are not recommended by most dentists and orthodontists.
  • Boil and Bite: These can be bought at most sporting goods stores. Because they can be somewhat shaped around the teeth when they are warmed in water, they offer a better fit than preformed mouth protectors.
  • Custom Fit: These are individually designed and made in our orthodontic office.

Just Remove Aligner and Replace with Mouth Guard

For those who are active in contact sports, Invisalign allows you to continue wearing your aligners without having to worry about any sharp brackets cutting your mouth. If your sport requires wearing a protective mouth guard, simply remove your aligners and replace with your mouth guard and you're good to go!

Full Service Orthodontic Practice

Whether your concerns are with protecting your bite or improving your smile, the best way to learn what Invisalign can do for you is to visit our office for a personal free consultation. We can evaluate your specific needs and determine the best treatment plan for you. We can answer many types of questions over the phone, but if at all possible would we would very much enjoy meeting you in person. We don't expect everyone we meet to become Invisalign Austin Patients and for that reason we offer our "no pressure" Free Initial Orthodontic Consultations. Give Us A Call!